Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Prelim Task:Audience Feedback

This shows the audience feedback i received from my magazine target audience(ages 13-14).

if video does not come up please select "show all content", if this does not work here is th link to the website:

Monday, 28 September 2015

Prelim Task:Finished Product

This is my final Magazine front cover, I decided to change my main colour to green as from feedback I received it said the red text was a bit overwhelming. I really like the image but think the masthead and text could be improved.

I used lined paper to link the front cover and contents page together so the flow from page to page would be smoother. I opted for less writing on the page as I did not want to take away from the main image.

I think the cover lines(etc.) link well to the image and the target audience

This is my final contents page. I also changed the colour of the text from red to green so the pages linked. I really like the ink splatters on this page along with the picture frames as they give a playful element to the page. 

If I was going to change anything about this page it would be the amount of text, I may of added some more to make the page more busy.  

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Prelim Task:Masthead and Font decisions

I used my magazine title "Chalkboard" to influence the way laid out the Masthead, as i crated a chalkboard on Photoshop using shapes and texturing it with a wooden pattern. The font I decided to use is called 'DK Cool Crayon' from Fontspace, I used this to create a text that resembled chalkboard writing.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Prelim Task:Final Shots

This is a video of my final shots I decided to use, it also discusses why i choice these shot. 

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Prelim Task:Shot list

These are some rough sketches of the shots  I plan to take for my magazine title and contents page.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Prelim Task:Reader Profile

Reader Profile

This is a reader profile suited to my collage magazine concept...

Friday, 11 September 2015

Prelim Task:Magazine Deconstruction

Magazine Deconstruction


Prelim Task:Introduction


Hello and welcome to my Media Studies blog, I’ll be posting all my year twelve media work onto this blog so keep an eye out for new content. Our first project is the produce the front page and content page of a collage magazine. Before we create the magazine we must think about the colour schemes, target audience, content and some other themes. I have decided to target my magazine at year eight and nine students. I was also exploring titles that I could use (the title has to link somewhat to the “collage” brief) the tile I am considering is ‘Chalkboard’ as it is an object commonly used in schools. The colour Scheme I am considering is red, white and black as this will match the school uniform well. All in all I am looking forward to this project and hope to expand my ideas to reach a final product.